new prints.

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Hi there,

Hope you're well.

Since the last time we've been in touch, there have been A LOT of exciting developments here at Chorus+Echo HQ.

With the launch of C+E imminent, we've put together the first in our series of launch events in TOKYO [woo hoo!]. We'll be meeting up with several of our contributors from over there, meeting boutique and shop owners and architects, interviewing several creative and business leaders from lecturers and architects to designers and musicians, being interviewed by local press and also holding two C+E events - the largest being with London Calling at ELEVEN where Jean-Robert will be headlining (and speaking about himself in the third person...perhaps).

If you’re in Tokyo between March 15th-22nd and we’ve not arranged to meet let us know and we’ll make it happen!

We've also secured a number of incredible bloggers from around the world, too many to list here but including notably: - Barcelona, - Beijing, - Berlin, - Buenos Aires, - Chicago, - Global, - London, - Mexico City, - New York, - Paris, - Stockholm and the aforementioned - Tokyo/New York.

We're also in talks with innumerable boutiques, hotels, designers and restaurants internationally and have secured some rather remarkable partnerships for the loyalty scheme as well as having the phenomenal Whillas & Gunn creating the first limited edition collaborative pieces for C+E.

It's all go here and we would love to work with you from the inception. Let us know if there's anything that you've not received, questions you want answered or thoughts you had and we'll get back to you straight away.

You can also find us on Twitter or Facebook where we’ll be spreading the word of our brilliant contributors and all things C+E. Hopefully we’ll be able to mention you too quite soon.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


Joel (UrbanExpo AKA Expo) disse...

Great prints T.
Sounds like fun!
Hit me up at


Unknown disse...

Olá Titi,

Trabalho em uma empresa no mercado de óculos de sol, e gostaríamos de desenvolver estampas para as camisetas dos nossos uniformes com sua arte. A idéia é trazer um conceito bem jovem e fun, e achei que esse briefing tem tudo a ver com você.

Curtimos muito seu trabalho e gostariamos de poder fazer uma parceria.

Por favor, entre em contato comigo no e-mail para conversamos.

No aguardo.

